A reusable cotton swab, a silk dental floss, and a reusable razor: one year ago this online order was arriving at my house. Since then, I’ve been using these eco-friendly alternatives regularly… so, how is it going?
Yes, cotton swabs are bad for the environment
First of all, you should really switch to sustainable cotton swabs because 1-6% of the ocean’s plastic pollution derives from regular ones. Do you remember the popular photo by Justin Hofman of a seahorse holding a cotton swab with its little tail?
They’re bad for the environment, especially because they end up in landfills or oceans and can take hundreds of years to degrade.
Designed to last for up to 1000 uses, LastSwab by LastObject is made with medical-grade TPE tips and nylon. Moreover, each swab has a corn-based biodegradable carrying case.
How do reusable cotton swabs work?
You buy it once and use it forever! Not only do you help the planet this way but you also save a ton of money, because reusable swabs by LastObject can be easily clean with water and soap.
It is not gross! You wash it as you do with many other things.
How to clean reusable cotton swabs
- Pour a drop of liquid soap over the tip
- Rub with your fingers
- Rinse with water
- Dry the area using a towel
It takes up just a few seconds, so if you need to clean it between one ear and the other is not a struggle.
Last Swab by LastObject
The brand LastObject produces also reusable tissues and cotton buds in a few colours, from a serious black to a vivid orange. At the core of their philosophy, there is the will to discourage the use of single-use products by producing zero-waste alternatives.
To me, a great selling point is their Danish design: sleek and clean. The same design has been used for other two versions: one for makeup disasters (“beauty”) and one for kids (“babies”), which I haven’t tried yet.
Is this expensive?
Not at all, this cotton swab costs only 9.99€. It’s made to last up to 1000 uses, but I’ll use mine until I see it’s doing its job properly.