I have a deep love for designer bags, yet unfortunately, my bank account doesn’t seem to share the same passion. Currently, my collection consists of just two designer bags: RSVP Clutch bag and RSVP Mini 5 Doors.
While I’ve been yearning for the Céline Trio Mini for years, I couldn’t get my head around to spend a fortune on it, because many reviews said that it gets ruined easily on the corners.
What is the best dupe for the Céline Trio bag?
While my heart was set on the original, practicality led me to explore other options. Eventually, I found a dupe: a crossbody bag by Coccinelle called Coralie.
Coralie is a real leather bag with almost identical measurements to the Céline Trio Mini, differing by a mere 1 centimetre in length. The measurements are as follows:
Coccinelle Coralie = 22cm x 14cm
Céline Trio mini = 22cm x 15cm
The main difference is that the Coralie bag has two pouches instead of three. Also, there is no gap between a pouch and the other, so if you pick your cardholder and you put it back away without looking it won’t slide out! Definitely a plus.
While the Céline Trio bag employs delicate lambskin leather, which is prone to scratches, the Coralie bag opts for a grainy leather texture that seems more durable.
What does it fit inside?
Both of these mini bags seem small but don’t be fooled! Inside this Céline Trio dupe, I usually fit a cardholder, a coin purse, tissues, two sets of keys and my iPhone 11… and it has still room left.
How much does it cost?
When it comes to the price point, the Céline Mini Trio has got a price tag of 850€. In contrast, the Coralie bag by Coccinelle comes in at a much more budget-friendly 148€.